Wednesday, July 30, 2008

People always tell me how I should be careful with my words, how I should act my age. They dictate me what to do, as if they know me more than I ever know myself. And it’s hard when all you ever wanted was to free yourself from their chains. They will always run after you and pull your neck with a rope, you have a choice but you are not bound to choose because you’re their slave. You have no capability of deciding. It’s as if you will ruin everything if you won’t follow the rules, if you won’t listen. It’s either you’ll take their advice, do the right thing, break your own heart and make them happy or believe in what you believe in, proof them wrong and be happy about it.

What really is the right thing to do? Not to hurt others but instead hurt your self? Make others happy and leave yourself in misery? What do you think is right?

People don’t have to slave people just because they think they’re inferior. They go walking the streets with a sign that says I’m Mr. Know-it-all. It makes them happy yeah, obviously. What is right for them may not be right for others. But do we have to comment on what they do? Do we have to spot their every single mistake just because we claim that we know the right thing? If we do what other heartless creatures do, then we’d be just like them. Cold. Distant. Tainted.

Let’s act for a reason. Not just because we are bound to do it but because we want to do it and because it will make you, them and everybody happy. Have your own decision. Don’t always depend on what they say. Besides, we are born alone. Strong and independent.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

See that picture above? Yes, that's me. It was a shot taken at my room in my grandmother's old house in Laguna. An acoustic princess eh? Looks like an album cover. But it isn't. For I am just an ordinary girl, hidden from spot lights, cameras and scripts. But yes, i do play guitar. And I like acoustics. I love music.

The word music comes from the Greek mousikê (tekhnê) by way of the Latin musica. It is ultimately derived from mousa, the Greek word for muse. In ancient Greece, the word mousike was used to mean any of the arts or sciences governed by the Muses. Later, in Rome, ars musica embraced poetry as well as instrument-oriented music. In the European Middle Ages, musica was part of the mathematical quadrivium - arithmetics, geometry, astronomy and musica. The concept of musica was split into three major kinds by the fifth century philosopher, Boethius: musica universalis, musica humana, and musica instrumentalis. Of those, only the last - musica instrumentalis - referred to music as performed sound.

Credits to Web Designer Mr. Rap Santos
for the photo editing.


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